- 住在祢裡面 Abiding In You
- 安靜 Still
- 禱告 I Pray
- 因為有祢 Because Of You
- 神羔羊配得 Worthy Is The Lamb
- 堅強的愛 Strong Love
- 雲上太陽 Sun Above The Clouds
- 寶貴十架 Precious Cross
- 輕輕聽Listen Quietly
- 在祢寶座前 Before Your Throne
- 馨香晚祭 Incense And Evening Sacrifice
- 我在這裡敬拜 Here I Am To Worship
- 天父的花園 The Father's Garden
- 愛是不保留 Unreserved Love
- 有一位神 There Is A God
- 主的恩典乃是一生之久 The Light Of Your Grace