我在這裡敬拜 Here I Am To Worship

世界真光 祢降下到黑暗中

Shi Jie Zhen Guang Ni Zhao Liang Hei An Shi Dai

Light of the world You stepped down into darkness


Kai Wo Shuang Yan Neng Kan Jian

Opened my eyes, Let me see


Zhu Ni Rong Mei Xi Yin Wo Jing Bai Ni

Beauty that made this heart adore you


Wo Yuan Yi Sheng Gen Sui Ni

Hope of a life spent with you

我在這裡敬拜 我在這裡俯伏

Wo Zai Zhe Li Jing Bai Wo Zai Zhe Li Fu Fu

Here I am to worship Here I am to bow down

我在這裡宣告 祢是主

Wo Zai Zhe Li Xuan Gao Ni Shi Zhu

Here I am to say that you're my God

祢全然可愛美麗 全然配受讚美

Ni Quan Ran Ke Ai Mei Li Quan Ran Pei Shou Zan Mei

You're altogether lovely Altogether worthy

全然奇妙 在我的眼裡

Quan Ran Qi Miao Zai Wo De Yan Li

Altogether wonderful to me

永生君王 我們高舉祢聖名

Yong Heng Jun Wang Wo Men Gao Ju Ni Sheng Ming

King of all days So highly exalted


Man You Zun Rong Zai Tian Shang

Glorious in heaven above


Qian Bei Lai Dao Ni Suo Chuang Zao De Shi Jie

Humbly you came to the earth you created


Yin Ai Yu Wo Men Tong Hang

All for love's sake became poor

我在這裡敬拜 我在這裡俯伏

Wo Zai Zhe Li Jing Bai Wo Zai Zhe Li Fu Fu

Here I am to worship Here I am to bow down

我在這裡宣告 祢是主

Wo Zai Zhe Li Xuan Gao Ni Shi Zhu

Here I am to say that you're my God

祢全然可愛美麗 全然配受讚美

Ni Quan Ran Ke Ai Mei Li Quan Ran Pei Shou Zan Mei

You're altogether lovely Altogether worthy

全然奇妙 在我的眼裡

Quan Ran Qi Miao Zai Wo De Yan Li

Altogether wonderful to me


我永不能知我的罪 在十架上是何代價

Wo Yong Bu Neng Zhi Wo De Zui Zai Shi Jia Shang Shi He Dai Jia

I'll never know how much it cost To see my sin upon that cross


Here I Am To Worhsip By Tim Hughes, 黃昱玲,堯堯 中譯

Copyright 2000 Thankyou Music, 2004 中文版由陶匠音樂出版發行. All Rights Reserved

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