因為有祢 (Because Of You)

因為有你 我揮別過去

因為有你 生命能延續

因為有你 我不再有恐懼


因為有你 罪已得潔淨

因為有你 恩典豐沛如雨

因為有你 生命有新旋律


因為有你 軟弱的能剛強

因為有你 破碎的能歌唱

因為有你 心中充滿盼望


無盡的愛 毫無保留

主你寶血 為我而流

如今我能 得著自由




神百姓近前來 宣揚主愛




(Verse 1)

Because of You, I was born again

Because of You, I’m ransomed by Your grace

Because of You, my heart has found a home

A refuge for my soul

Because of You, sins are washed away

Because of You, heaven knows my name

Because of You, I can live again

You’ve broken every chain


Unfailing Love, so unreserved

You gave Yourself on Calvary

And now I stand, forever free

My Saviour rescued me.

(Verse 2)

Because of You, the weak say "I am strong"

Because of You, the broken have a song

Because of You, there's no need to fear

Hope steadfast, ever sure


Now heaven, be open

Our God is, unshaken

We worship, Christ risen

High above

Now heaven, be open

All kingdoms, all nations

Declare that “You are God”

By KC Gan

Copyright City Harvest Church. All Rights Reserved

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